When I use to imagine "The End of the World," I never imagined it to look quite like this. I always thought that it would be a little more chaotic. You know, more desolation, smouldering ruins, moving from place to place in search of food, and fuel. Kind of like that movie, "Road Warrior." I thought that there would be bands of deformed mutants, survivors of a nuclear Holocaust, struggling to survive at any means necessary.
Instead, I find it "Business as Usual." (Where have I read that?) People just going about their lives, in hope that "This is just a phase," that the Earth is going through. You know, like a toddler or a teenager, just working things out. I guess the question is, what is there to do, really? Wait around? Sell everything, and climb the highest mountain? After all, we could be rioting in the streets, and looking for a New War to fight. Why not? It's not like we are going to just stop before we hit that proverbial wall of reality.
I thought that someone had the notion that we were progressively moving forward, or was that just an optical illusion of progress itself? Is it advancement, or are we just doing the same things differently, with the same results? Instead of technological progression, establishing a unified plateau of corporate intelligence within our civilization, I'd have to say that we are in an exponential downward spiral on the old "Stup-o-meter." Perhaps it's this present stage of History, that is preparing us for this approaching "Apocalyptic Chaos Scenario."
The more I turn on the TV, or read the News Papers, or On-line Reports, I am becoming more and more convinced of the presently emerging doom. We just can't go on like this! With this type of intellect, generational survival is unsustainable. We are approaching that proverbial wall of reality at an increasingly accelerated rate!
It's like that dream, where you are riding the bus home from some,take you nowhere job, and everyone is just staring out the window at a world that they just can't believe is their life. Then all of a sudden, the Bus Driver stops the bus, at what you think is just another stop, but instead he grabs his hat and jacket, flips everyone the bird, and walks off into the night. Sitting there, stranded, in the middle of, who knows what part of town, that moment of panic and contemplation sets in. "Should I walk, or should I stay on the bus, and wait to see what happens?" Then, before you can even finish your first thought, "Crazy Larry," The Transit Squatter, hops up, runs to the drivers seat, and jumps in, but instead of protest, the other riders begin to cheer him on, because they just don't know what else to do. The next thing you know, the bus is barrelling down the dark streets of this urban metropolis without meaning and purpose. Just some
chaotic existence of "I hope we survive this!"
Call me an Old Fashion Redneck, but I have to blame Socialism. I'm sorry, but what the heck is wrong with everyone? The World is going to Hell in a Hand-basket, and People are blaming "The Government!" A Hurricane hits, and "Bush doesn't care about Black People?" What?!?! Floods, Tsunamis, and Famine, and Volcanoes, and Earth Quakes, and Infectious Deceases! The Oceans are dying, for Pete Sake, and for some reason, beyond my comprehension, the Government is to blame? The Government? What is wrong with these people? Hello? Socialists! The Government is your friend. Now, let's kiss and make up.
Well, Dr. Frankenstein, how's that Monster Project working out for you? "Give us your money, we'll take care of you." Did anyone ever stop to ask, what happens when the money and the resources run out? You got Wall Street building an economy on imaginary capital, on one hand, and on the other, you have Social Democrats taking the last dime, from the average Joe, that poor sucker in between, all in the guise of "We are doing it for you." OK. "Where's my money. I need it now. Times are getting tough." What money? Whose going to be the first to point out the fact that, The Government IS the biggest Ponzi Scheme EVER? There IS no money, stupid. You've been had. "Oh - those poor suckers who handed everything to that Bernie Madoff." Poor suckers? Don't you see that we've done the same thing with Social Democracy? What, did you really believed that Money Grew on Trees? The Government isn't real! It's a fabricated existence, an industry of Big Management, that has created a false sense of hope, but now you are beginning to see the futility of your faith in it.
Our problem is, that we lost touch with an agricultural centred civilization. Our industrial lusts, homogenized our concept of reality. Thinking that we could exist in a world of chemicals, machines, and plastic wrap, we decided that mass production and textural consistency outweighed the value of good old fashion, love of the land. Am I wrong? Why don't you ask "Crazy Larry," as he runs the next red light! I mean look at these idiots, pulling the cord, and ringing the bell, as if we can stop the inevitable. "We're destroying the environment!" - "I'm not voting NDP anymore!" WHY? Because they let you down? Because none of this is real? IT never was real! Only your vain imagination, generated by false hopes in an imaginary Utopian existence, created this illusion. Just like that first credit card that you deem, "For Emergency Use Only." Can you remember that innocence, I mean, "Ignorance?"
I see people protesting, oblivious to how the system works. Some self-righteous Eco-Gurus proclaim to have the answers, inspiring semi-educated sycophants to stand around with signs for a cause. Fine, you go and walk around with your wood and paper protest signs produced by Big Lumber, while wearing your Big Cotton Jeans, and Big Gore-tex Jackets, and Big Leather shoes, using fuel from Big Oil to get to the protest, you bunch of hypocrites. All-the-While, the only reason that we have any money still flowing, in this wreck of an economy, is due to these major industries, as they slowly grind to a halt. When they do, we'll witness the same "Cause Seeking," minions, turn in panic to protest the unemployment, the famine, and the failure of all the amenities and services provided by the tax dollars that funded all these freedoms, that afforded their ability to protest. Ridiculous. Read the Manual!
While some are struggling to "literally" keep afloat, as our farm lands lay underwater, projecting a major food shortage in the coming year, "Had it too good for too long," Government "Workers," (and yes, I'm talking to you too Air Canada!), walk out of their jobs to protest irrelevant issues, in light of our overall immediate concerns. Take a look around you Union Employees, WE DON'T CARE! The reason that you are "suffering" (Give me a break - make more than the rest of us), is because you've put your faith into some agency that has even less power to produce an income for you, than your present employer! Seriously? Am I the only one doing the basic math here? I wasn't even great at math in school, but I can share what I did learn, with you. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 X "0" = "FREAKIN' ZERO!!!"
This is NOT the Time, and I assure you, THIS is NOT the place. There are unemployed mobs of people out there that might just be willing enough to lynch you, in hopes of providing for their families, while you attempted to mumble the muffled words "Scab," as you are trampled underfoot. Do you see the rising waters out there? Say "Hello," I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine. World, meet Reality.
My point is that it's time to get back to the basics. The Governments have proved to us, that they have no idea of what they are doing - "Crazy Larry!" They are not gods. They are mere men, and women that we have placed into position, by the mere chance that they made us less sick to our stomachs than the other liars that we could have placed into the same positions. If our fuel prices continue to climb, and our local food sources remain under water, we are going to have to "real-ize" that the Government is NOT going to save us. We will have to depend on doing whatever it takes to survive. True Socialism comes from the Heart, not from Legislation. Let's just hope that we work together, as a Community, to accomplish this goal, rather than become a band of deformed mutants, resembling that Happening that just occurred in Vancouver.
This is Billy Goetz saying, "And that's all that I have to say about That!"
Monday, June 27, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Obama Nation of Desolation
This past weekend, some of us experienced, at least for a moment, the "What if?" Factor. What if these Crazy People are Right? Some experienced this for the first time, and others reflected back on the last time they had heard, "This is the End of the World!" Then again, some just mocked the absurdity of it all, while others more versed within this subject, merely shook their heads, rolled their eyes, and declared, "Again?"
In a previous Blog, I had addressed the issue of, how as each day passes, that I see more and more of the things that I was taught as a child, would come to pass within my life time. I could have looked at such things, and declare "Coincidence." In fact, I look at History, and try to piece the puzzle together, proving that it is all one big coincidence. However, my Faith testifies that there is no such thing. There is a plan, and I am living - No - We are living in the middle of it.
This past weekend, while many fretted over "The End of the World," my mind was on a much more serious issue. The issue that ties all these issues together. I awoke on Friday morning to hear the reverberating words of The Most Powerful Man in the World, Barack Obama, imply that for the sake of Peace, "Israel should return to its pre-1967 Boarders." I also heard the Anchors of the CBC declare, "No President of the United States has ever spoken these words before." There was concern in their voice, as they declared this. Why would they be so concerned? Why is this a problem for anyone, other than Israel?
If some of you read my comments on Facebook, regarding "The End of the World," you would have read what my opinion is about why we are even discussing these things. It's not that the World will not come to an end, because even Hardcore Science declares that it will happen, "Some Day!" The Problem is that some people, use the Bible to declare something that the Bible does not say. These are not Mayans, who figured that going beyond 2012 "Was just a waste of time." These are People, who claim to gather their knowledge from the Bible. All the while, they misuse its context to establish a blatant falsehood. Other than anger, the other emotion that this provokes inside is sadness. Sadness, because the Truth is defiled by foolish arrogance.
If only they really knew their Bible, they would not promote something that The Bible does not endorse. They claim to align themselves with the Bible, all the while, they propagate lies, and their lies are destined to be revealed. In this case, Sunday Morning.
There is great controversy in the United States over the true beliefs of President Barack Obama. Some declare him a Muslim, all the while, he himself confesses to be "Christian." Who am I to argue what a Man calls himself? How I identify myself, and how others see me, can be up to interpretation. Nevertheless, to be a "Christian" is in reference to being "A Follower of Christ." Now, if one is a follower of Christ, then one would consider The Bible, to be the authority on all matters. Especially upon matters pertaining to the Scripture itself.
The Bible is not only a book containing History, but it is, as well, a Constitution. A legal document designed to outline the Covenant between a People, known as "Israel," and their God. This is, by Biblical Principle, the same God of "Christians." "Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practises and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." - Christ (Matthew 5:19)
Here stands The Man, The Most Powerful Man in the World, who implies in front of the World, 'Israel does not have a right to the Land in question,' by stating, "Israel must return to its 1967 Boarders." What about "The Bible," Mr. Obama? The Bible isn't simply a book about spirituality, it's a Contract, a Covenant, a Deed. The People of the Book, are also the People of the Land. Even Muslims understand this, all the while attempting to deny it. For the very Koran proclaims this in reference to "The People of the Book." If there is "A Book" (The Bible), then there is a Covenant. The Book and the Land are bound in Covenant. If there is no Book, there is no Land. They exist hand in hand. They reside as one. To proclaim that this Covenant is based upon behaviour and worthiness, is once again in conflict with understanding the entire Scripture, which depicts an Everlasting Covenant, and a Renewed Covenant thereafter. (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
Again, who am I to judge what one calls himself? All the same, I must declare that it is, at best, disingenuous to proclaim to be something, and deny the very foundation that makes you what you claim to be.
As much as the fingers can be pointed at me for political inclination, my objectives are as simple as I have stated regarding the issue of "The End of the World," - KNOW YOUR BIBLE! If you do, these foolish people cannot deceive you about its meanings and intents.
Here stands, The Most Powerful Man in the World, making statements that He has no authority in. He does not have the authority, nor the power, to change one hair on his own head. He is but flesh and blood. The Reality is, just as Pilot pleaded with Jesus, regarding His Life, did not have the Power that he presumed that he had. While provoking Jesus to defend Himself, Pilot was given this response, Jesus answered, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.” (John 19:11) In "Reality," Pilot honestly did not have the Power that he thought. He too, was Just A Man.
Now, Prophesy can appear "Mystical" in nature, nevertheless, there are natural impulses that determine its direction. Is it "Prophesy," to proclaim that the Sun will Rise in the East tomorrow? If "Reading the Writing on the Wall" is Prophesy, then Analysts like Writer Tom Clancy, has the gift of Prophesy. He has made many educated guesses, after he resigned from the CIA, within the context of his books. By applying his skill-set (His Trade), he has made "predictions" so accurate, that they have made present officers of the CIA question his sources. Which is to say, they suspected a leak from within. He's just THAT good.
Do you have to be a Tom Clancy to see the Writing on the Wall? Here's my kick at the cat. Objective: Take out Israel. Greatest Hurtle: Western (Christian) Support. Method: Remove Authority. Process: Disassociate Biblical Foundation (Constitutionally). End Game: Removal of Bible.
Obama's Presumptuous Error? "Traditional Hubris." By claiming the Victory over Bin Laden, he has been forced to generate a shift to reset the balance of power. Therefore by striking against Israel, he places Muslim resentment at bay. Within the process, he has alienated part of his base, and widened the partisan divide. To win a battle at such a disadvantaged position, as this, requires a great diversion. Blame must be placed upon your enemies weakness. Therefore, use "Christian Fundamentalism" as the target. Christian Fundamentalism is where "These Crazies" come from, and they are emboldened by Scriptural Faith. Take out the source, and reap the reward. Therefore you can achieve at least a Philosophical Victory. Right from the Play Book.
Therefore, without speaking prophetically, based upon Scriptural Interpretation, and Present Theatre analysis, I'd have to say that at the very least, The Most Read Book in the World, will become the Most Targeted document for removal. On what grounds? "Peace!"
Once this objective is achieved, what leg does Israel stand on? The argument for its existence ceases in value. Therefore, Christian support becomes non-existent, and Israel stands alone. Try showing the deed of your land to a foreign invader -- Worthless. The good news is, that this deed may have little value to the future of mankind, but will mean EVERYTHING to the one who forged it - - God Almighty!
Once again, America and the World finds itself at that crossroads of destiny; To attempt "Peace on Earth," but at what cost? War with God? Peace WILL come, but at the way, in which He designs, and not that of a man-made "Road Map."
As for Me and My House, I know where I stand.
This is Billy Goetz saying,
"And that's all I have to say about that."
In a previous Blog, I had addressed the issue of, how as each day passes, that I see more and more of the things that I was taught as a child, would come to pass within my life time. I could have looked at such things, and declare "Coincidence." In fact, I look at History, and try to piece the puzzle together, proving that it is all one big coincidence. However, my Faith testifies that there is no such thing. There is a plan, and I am living - No - We are living in the middle of it.
This past weekend, while many fretted over "The End of the World," my mind was on a much more serious issue. The issue that ties all these issues together. I awoke on Friday morning to hear the reverberating words of The Most Powerful Man in the World, Barack Obama, imply that for the sake of Peace, "Israel should return to its pre-1967 Boarders." I also heard the Anchors of the CBC declare, "No President of the United States has ever spoken these words before." There was concern in their voice, as they declared this. Why would they be so concerned? Why is this a problem for anyone, other than Israel?
If some of you read my comments on Facebook, regarding "The End of the World," you would have read what my opinion is about why we are even discussing these things. It's not that the World will not come to an end, because even Hardcore Science declares that it will happen, "Some Day!" The Problem is that some people, use the Bible to declare something that the Bible does not say. These are not Mayans, who figured that going beyond 2012 "Was just a waste of time." These are People, who claim to gather their knowledge from the Bible. All the while, they misuse its context to establish a blatant falsehood. Other than anger, the other emotion that this provokes inside is sadness. Sadness, because the Truth is defiled by foolish arrogance.
If only they really knew their Bible, they would not promote something that The Bible does not endorse. They claim to align themselves with the Bible, all the while, they propagate lies, and their lies are destined to be revealed. In this case, Sunday Morning.
There is great controversy in the United States over the true beliefs of President Barack Obama. Some declare him a Muslim, all the while, he himself confesses to be "Christian." Who am I to argue what a Man calls himself? How I identify myself, and how others see me, can be up to interpretation. Nevertheless, to be a "Christian" is in reference to being "A Follower of Christ." Now, if one is a follower of Christ, then one would consider The Bible, to be the authority on all matters. Especially upon matters pertaining to the Scripture itself.
The Bible is not only a book containing History, but it is, as well, a Constitution. A legal document designed to outline the Covenant between a People, known as "Israel," and their God. This is, by Biblical Principle, the same God of "Christians." "Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practises and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." - Christ (Matthew 5:19)
Here stands The Man, The Most Powerful Man in the World, who implies in front of the World, 'Israel does not have a right to the Land in question,' by stating, "Israel must return to its 1967 Boarders." What about "The Bible," Mr. Obama? The Bible isn't simply a book about spirituality, it's a Contract, a Covenant, a Deed. The People of the Book, are also the People of the Land. Even Muslims understand this, all the while attempting to deny it. For the very Koran proclaims this in reference to "The People of the Book." If there is "A Book" (The Bible), then there is a Covenant. The Book and the Land are bound in Covenant. If there is no Book, there is no Land. They exist hand in hand. They reside as one. To proclaim that this Covenant is based upon behaviour and worthiness, is once again in conflict with understanding the entire Scripture, which depicts an Everlasting Covenant, and a Renewed Covenant thereafter. (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
Again, who am I to judge what one calls himself? All the same, I must declare that it is, at best, disingenuous to proclaim to be something, and deny the very foundation that makes you what you claim to be.
As much as the fingers can be pointed at me for political inclination, my objectives are as simple as I have stated regarding the issue of "The End of the World," - KNOW YOUR BIBLE! If you do, these foolish people cannot deceive you about its meanings and intents.
Here stands, The Most Powerful Man in the World, making statements that He has no authority in. He does not have the authority, nor the power, to change one hair on his own head. He is but flesh and blood. The Reality is, just as Pilot pleaded with Jesus, regarding His Life, did not have the Power that he presumed that he had. While provoking Jesus to defend Himself, Pilot was given this response, Jesus answered, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.” (John 19:11) In "Reality," Pilot honestly did not have the Power that he thought. He too, was Just A Man.
Now, Prophesy can appear "Mystical" in nature, nevertheless, there are natural impulses that determine its direction. Is it "Prophesy," to proclaim that the Sun will Rise in the East tomorrow? If "Reading the Writing on the Wall" is Prophesy, then Analysts like Writer Tom Clancy, has the gift of Prophesy. He has made many educated guesses, after he resigned from the CIA, within the context of his books. By applying his skill-set (His Trade), he has made "predictions" so accurate, that they have made present officers of the CIA question his sources. Which is to say, they suspected a leak from within. He's just THAT good.
Do you have to be a Tom Clancy to see the Writing on the Wall? Here's my kick at the cat. Objective: Take out Israel. Greatest Hurtle: Western (Christian) Support. Method: Remove Authority. Process: Disassociate Biblical Foundation (Constitutionally). End Game: Removal of Bible.
Obama's Presumptuous Error? "Traditional Hubris." By claiming the Victory over Bin Laden, he has been forced to generate a shift to reset the balance of power. Therefore by striking against Israel, he places Muslim resentment at bay. Within the process, he has alienated part of his base, and widened the partisan divide. To win a battle at such a disadvantaged position, as this, requires a great diversion. Blame must be placed upon your enemies weakness. Therefore, use "Christian Fundamentalism" as the target. Christian Fundamentalism is where "These Crazies" come from, and they are emboldened by Scriptural Faith. Take out the source, and reap the reward. Therefore you can achieve at least a Philosophical Victory. Right from the Play Book.
Therefore, without speaking prophetically, based upon Scriptural Interpretation, and Present Theatre analysis, I'd have to say that at the very least, The Most Read Book in the World, will become the Most Targeted document for removal. On what grounds? "Peace!"
Once this objective is achieved, what leg does Israel stand on? The argument for its existence ceases in value. Therefore, Christian support becomes non-existent, and Israel stands alone. Try showing the deed of your land to a foreign invader -- Worthless. The good news is, that this deed may have little value to the future of mankind, but will mean EVERYTHING to the one who forged it - - God Almighty!
Once again, America and the World finds itself at that crossroads of destiny; To attempt "Peace on Earth," but at what cost? War with God? Peace WILL come, but at the way, in which He designs, and not that of a man-made "Road Map."
As for Me and My House, I know where I stand.
This is Billy Goetz saying,
"And that's all I have to say about that."
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