Since I was a young child, I've been acutely aware that, "The End is Near!" With this early childhood conditioning, I'd say I'm pretty much at peace with all that is presently happening in the world. It's not that I don't care, or that I'm in any way "Happy" about it, nor am I pointing the "I told you so" finger about. Neither am I selling all my Worldly possessions and climbing the highest mountain. I'm just saying, "I'm not surprised." No - This is not about the Mayan Calendar, and the whole 2012 thing! Well, I'm sure that that has some play on it, but long before I ever heard of a "Mayan Calendar" ending in 2012, I've been watching my own period of History with some "Anticipation."
Has all this happened before in History? Sure! In fact I'm the first to declare, "History Repeats Itself!!!" Sure, if you were to take the issues, piece by piece, we've had economic crisis and devastating natural disasters all before, Empires Rise and Fall, over and over throughout history, but once you place them into a convergence of such a micro point in time, as we are experiencing right now, I'd have to say that "This is a little bit different."
Some people are inclined to watch birds, and for others it's sea creatures, but for some reason, my whole life has been spent observing the development of a Global System, focusing on technology, and how this system would be implemented right before my eyes.
Now many "Old Schoolers" refer to this Brave New World, or The New Order as "Big Brother," after George Orwell's 1984. With this in mind, you have to realize that my fascination wasn't so much with "Was it really going to happen," but rather, "How are THEY going to pull this off right in front of our eyes?" I mean between the Eschatological Bible Thumpers, and Secular Writers such as Orwell or Huxley, "How was this ORDER going to come into being without resistance?"
I remember as a younger man, speculating on this very process, and concluding that the only way that this would come to pass is if WE demanded it ourselves. Why would we do that? Under what conditions would WE ("The Aware") willingly invite this Brave New Order into existence?
Well, first of all, there is our unending love of technology. Regardless of it being good or bad for us, we marvel at the work of our own hands, and celebrate our technological achievements on a daily basis. We can't stop progress because some "Nay" Sayer's fear these "Big Brother" prophesies! The Internet is the greatest accomplishment of the Information Age! We've not had such a game changer since the Gutenberg Press of the 1500's.
Hey - Am I pointing my finger? If you are reading this, then I am just as guilty as the next blogger. It's just that some of us have taken upon ourselves the "If you can't beat em, Join em" attitude towards technology. I have to admit that, as a "Technologist," I am fascinated with the simple notion of "What are we going to do next?" I was seduced as a child by Star Wars and Star Trek into seeing just how far we could get within my lifetime. Although I marvel at our accomplishments, I still feel that we've not achieved some things that I thought that we would have done by now. Where's my Hover Car, George Jetson?
As I type this Blog, I know that there are Hackers out there, that could steal my identity, alter my text, exploiting my thoughts, and have me express myself in inappropriate, and offencive ways. As I look at the top of my laptop screen, I see a small circle. At any time, a hacker could hack in, and could be watching me right now, just as some people have found videos of themselves on the Internet in compromising positions. Are we being watched already? What about Privacy?
Privacy is a thing of the past. The fact of the matter is that there is a big difference between "Could we?" and "Should we?" Once "Information" is released, there may be consequences for the person who breached someones privacy, nevertheless, the event cannot be reversed, and what was said, was "Said." Just as the American Government is dealing with the Wikileaks fiasco right now.
The more that we become dependant on technology, the more we subject ourselves to the dangers of this infringement of our privacy. We have other technology providers make promises to protect us, but who is protecting us from the "Protectors?" Anything is possible for a price. If the American Government cannot protect its secrets, then where does the average Joe, like you and me stand? We depend on the mathematics of probability. Just like everything else in life. We know what the chances are, of being killed, every time we get into our vehicles, yet we do it everyday, based upon the idea that "It won't happen to me." If we remain a tree in the forest of data, "Why would I be targeted?" What if you are no longer that tree in the forest, because you become a threat to The Powers that Be? Where is your privacy then? Well, Julian Assange, where is it? Mind you, a "Hacker" in his youth, some could simply call this Karma.
What gives the right to Governments to stick their nose in our Internet Activities? What, you ask? I'll give you 3 numbers. 9-1-1. WE gave them the right, due to our fear. Again, I'm not pointing fingers, but at myself. We gave them that power, because we wanted them to protect us from the "Evil Doers!" Now who is protecting us from THEM? I remember the day of 911. Of course I remember it, like everyone else in the World, for the anger and fear of such atrocities. However, I remember it more so, because of the eureka effect that I experienced that day. This was the single most powerful event that would provoke us, "The Aware," to allow the Powers that Be, to invoke the final stages of The Brave New World. We asked for it. No, we demanded it. Hook, Line, and Sinker... Like a game of Sociological Akido. They used our own force of energy to accomplish their strike on our Freedom, by the very Administration that "The Aware" elected into power in the first place. I'll say it again, "I hate being right."
Perhaps it's watching the News, and seeing all these "Futuristic" and "Apocalyptic" stories from my childhood now playing on my TV set as real as is the day, but I've spent this last week, revisiting these stories from my past. In fact, I had never watched the 1927 German Silent Film, "Metropolis," by Fritz Lang, until now. However, once again, thanks to Modern Technology, Netflix allowed me to accomplish this last night. I had simply assumed that this was just a story about a future city, and an expression of how certain people viewed "The Future" from the turn of the last century. Little did I know the deep Apocalyptic and Messianic overtures presented in this film. I was taken aback by the depth of the storyline and biblical symbolism, in spite of its primitive special effects, and dated presentation. However, what I found most profound was its production and release, in proximity to World War II, and how this story should have impacted Germans to be watchful of Hitler's rise. Never the less, with warning, and right in front of their eyes, the 3rd Reich arose to assume its place in History.
I'd like to say that I'm amazed at how History repeats itself, but I'd be lying. Again, I'm not happy about it, but nor am I surprised.
Why such a dark and pessimistic commentary so close to Christmas, you might ask? Well, for starters, the Holiday that we call "Christmas," ultimately is a story of Hope. It derives from the Biblical account of the birth of the Messiah. Although this story leads to the tragic event of His Death, once again, ultimately, it is this event that leads to the Salvation of the World! The point is that OBVIOUSLY the World is a Mess right now, and by my calculations, it might get a little better, but then it's going to get much worse, BUT, in the end, it all works out, ... for some...
I guess my point is, Cherish your Family and All things that are Good and Pure, and be thankful for the things that you have, and in spite of all that is going on around us, be brave and love one another.
Oh and most importantly, as the wise man once said, "Check Yourself, before you Wreck Yourself."
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh!" Luke 21:28
This is Billy Goetz saying, "And that's all I have to say about that."
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A Thousand Ways to Spy
The other night, I watched a BPS Documentary about Daniel Ellsberg, the "Whistle Blower," who leaked Top Secret Pentagon files to the New York Times, which eventually, along with the Watergate Scandal, lead to the resignation of President Richard Nixon, and subsequently the end to the Vietnam War.
Now, I like to think of myself as someone "In the Know," when it comes to History and Politics, and although I was merely an infant during the time of these events, I've grown up watching TV and have witnessed endless commentaries and discussions regarding Watergate and the issues surrounding the Vietnam War. The funny thing is that I actually learnt something. Who-da-thunk-it?
In addition to being inclined to Political Thought, I tend to lean towards the Right of Centre within my Political Views. With that being stated, apposed to the opinions of most Dems and Liberals, I do not include "Being lied to by my Government," as a part of my "Conservative Values." Therefore, I call a spade a spade, when I see it. Liberals, if our Government is outright lying to us, let's get em! As long as this is the motivation, and not some politically inclined provocation to promote propaganda. (Do you sense the sarcasm?)
Ironically, although I do not align myself with Jon Steward's political views, I do enjoy watching his show, and laughing at its satirical humour. If he is pointing out the hypocrisy of a Politician from either side of the Camp, I think we can all find the Ironic humour in it, and more importantly, if he is calling a spade a spade, who's to argue, right?
The problem I have is when the media, or as they are more commonly known in my circles, "The Liberal Media," tends to demonstrate an agenda, rather than simply calling "A Spade, A Spade." Especially when they attempt to pass themselves off as "Unbiased." Give me a Break!!!
I've never been a fan of any Government, Right or Left, who uses the term "National Security," for a means to hide its "lies" from the People it proposes to serve. If this trust is abused, then they must be exposed, and the Media is the best tool in which to conduct this effort, if their objectives are noble. I for one, am in full support!
However, there is a truth to the idea of "National Security," and it must be valued if we are to protect our National Interests. The problem that I have with Liberal Thinking is that it tends to believe that the idea of "Having Enemies" is just some "Conservative fear mongering" tactic used to embolden support for their military initiatives. All the while, they exploit the idea that "Conservative Regimes" (by president) use this term to "Cover Up" their lies -- Propaganda, through and through!
These "assumptions" are just as ironically hypocritical as saying, "People from Oklahoma are all Prejudice!" Call a Spade a Spade. If the shoe fits, let's investigate and catch the perpetrators in their lies. If there is one thing that we all have learnt from the whole Ellsberg and Watergate affair, is that the Truth will Prevail.
I remember a time before The CBC and CTV had their own 24 Hour News Networks, and even the U.S. was pretty much dominated by CNN alone. However today, the U.S. is in the midst of a Politically inclined Media Battle, between Fox, which tends to align itself with Right-Conservative perspectives, and CNN which claims to be "Unbiased," however I find it at least "Interesting" that all there "Right-Wing" people have left and moved over to Fox. Nevertheless, this is the States, and they've been at this media war thing for some time now.
Canada is another story, well, at least from a TV point of view. Other Media Sources are divided almost geographically, but when it comes to TV, there is no clearly defined Right or Left Media Sources. O.K., Let me rephrase that, "Here, in Canada, we do not have a 'Right-Conservative' Media Source." Therefore, the "Unbiased Liberal Media" is just that, "A Spade."
Now, its either The CBC has an Agenda, or they are so "Desperate" for Political Sensationalizing, that they are starting to look like that lonely guy that struck out at the bar all night, and it's now 2AM, and he is staggering around looking for someone as drunk as him to take home.
Seriously? These guys have been on Harper's case from Day 1. I remember them making fun of him, just after he took office, because he dropped his son off at private school in a mini-van, and then hugged him before he went into the school. Oh - What should he have done, "Liberal Media," dropped him off with the PM's Limo, and then we'd have to listen to your finger pointing about misusing the "Tax Payers" funds? Speaking of "Misusing Tax Payers Funds," how again do you stay in operation?
Then we got to go through the whole Maxime Bernier episode of leaving "Secret Documents" at his controversial Girl Friend's place. The Bimbo then gets an exclusive interview on the CBC. That was enlightening! "Oh - Listen to me... I've dated Gangsters and the Minister of Foreign Affairs..." Who Cares! If only we ALL had the opportunity to go on National TV to vent about our Ex's! Seriously? I get the point that sensitive documents were left behind, creating a security breach, and how this is "News Worthy," but why does this in turn lead to such a brainless interview... Why? Reaching? "Des-per-ate!"
Now, to top it all off, and the point that really provoked this rant... "Maxime Bernier 'Exaggerated' on the amount of emails that he received regarding the Long Form Census!" Really? He "Exaggerated?" Well blow me down with the back end of a Fighter Jet, a politician exaggerated! Breaking News! I mean, if we had some "Intelligence" at the CBC we could have run with the irony that the same guy that left sensitive papers behind at his Ex Bimbo's place, is now concerned with the Privacy of Canadians, well there's a story, but to focus on the issue that he exaggerated on the number of emails... Really? Desperate much? (Singing) "Closing time, every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end, yeah." Thanks Green Day, that set the tone.
To be perfectly honest, I think that the present Conservative Government is an absolute miracle! Seriously. They are a minority Government, that somehow has managed to stay in power this long, in spite of the fact that they have such opposition. Now, this either means that MPs, regardless of their Party's platform, are actually voting according to their Constituent's wishes, and actually providing democratic representation, or the Conservatives are not fully playing their game based upon a "Conservative Mandate." Which is it Liberal Media? You are trying to convince me (If I were a Liberal) that the Conservatives are making decisions based upon their "Conservative Mandate," all the while, they are maintaining power. What gives? Could it be that Canadians are actually seeing through your B.S., in spite of your misuse of the power of information? Possibly? However, time will tell, as the fickle wind of change blows through our Open Liberal Minds.
This is Billy Goetz saying, "Don't be so Open Minded that your Brain falls out."
"... And that's all I have to say about THAT!"
Now, I like to think of myself as someone "In the Know," when it comes to History and Politics, and although I was merely an infant during the time of these events, I've grown up watching TV and have witnessed endless commentaries and discussions regarding Watergate and the issues surrounding the Vietnam War. The funny thing is that I actually learnt something. Who-da-thunk-it?
In addition to being inclined to Political Thought, I tend to lean towards the Right of Centre within my Political Views. With that being stated, apposed to the opinions of most Dems and Liberals, I do not include "Being lied to by my Government," as a part of my "Conservative Values." Therefore, I call a spade a spade, when I see it. Liberals, if our Government is outright lying to us, let's get em! As long as this is the motivation, and not some politically inclined provocation to promote propaganda. (Do you sense the sarcasm?)
Ironically, although I do not align myself with Jon Steward's political views, I do enjoy watching his show, and laughing at its satirical humour. If he is pointing out the hypocrisy of a Politician from either side of the Camp, I think we can all find the Ironic humour in it, and more importantly, if he is calling a spade a spade, who's to argue, right?
The problem I have is when the media, or as they are more commonly known in my circles, "The Liberal Media," tends to demonstrate an agenda, rather than simply calling "A Spade, A Spade." Especially when they attempt to pass themselves off as "Unbiased." Give me a Break!!!
I've never been a fan of any Government, Right or Left, who uses the term "National Security," for a means to hide its "lies" from the People it proposes to serve. If this trust is abused, then they must be exposed, and the Media is the best tool in which to conduct this effort, if their objectives are noble. I for one, am in full support!
However, there is a truth to the idea of "National Security," and it must be valued if we are to protect our National Interests. The problem that I have with Liberal Thinking is that it tends to believe that the idea of "Having Enemies" is just some "Conservative fear mongering" tactic used to embolden support for their military initiatives. All the while, they exploit the idea that "Conservative Regimes" (by president) use this term to "Cover Up" their lies -- Propaganda, through and through!
These "assumptions" are just as ironically hypocritical as saying, "People from Oklahoma are all Prejudice!" Call a Spade a Spade. If the shoe fits, let's investigate and catch the perpetrators in their lies. If there is one thing that we all have learnt from the whole Ellsberg and Watergate affair, is that the Truth will Prevail.
I remember a time before The CBC and CTV had their own 24 Hour News Networks, and even the U.S. was pretty much dominated by CNN alone. However today, the U.S. is in the midst of a Politically inclined Media Battle, between Fox, which tends to align itself with Right-Conservative perspectives, and CNN which claims to be "Unbiased," however I find it at least "Interesting" that all there "Right-Wing" people have left and moved over to Fox. Nevertheless, this is the States, and they've been at this media war thing for some time now.
Canada is another story, well, at least from a TV point of view. Other Media Sources are divided almost geographically, but when it comes to TV, there is no clearly defined Right or Left Media Sources. O.K., Let me rephrase that, "Here, in Canada, we do not have a 'Right-Conservative' Media Source." Therefore, the "Unbiased Liberal Media" is just that, "A Spade."
Now, its either The CBC has an Agenda, or they are so "Desperate" for Political Sensationalizing, that they are starting to look like that lonely guy that struck out at the bar all night, and it's now 2AM, and he is staggering around looking for someone as drunk as him to take home.
Seriously? These guys have been on Harper's case from Day 1. I remember them making fun of him, just after he took office, because he dropped his son off at private school in a mini-van, and then hugged him before he went into the school. Oh - What should he have done, "Liberal Media," dropped him off with the PM's Limo, and then we'd have to listen to your finger pointing about misusing the "Tax Payers" funds? Speaking of "Misusing Tax Payers Funds," how again do you stay in operation?
Then we got to go through the whole Maxime Bernier episode of leaving "Secret Documents" at his controversial Girl Friend's place. The Bimbo then gets an exclusive interview on the CBC. That was enlightening! "Oh - Listen to me... I've dated Gangsters and the Minister of Foreign Affairs..." Who Cares! If only we ALL had the opportunity to go on National TV to vent about our Ex's! Seriously? I get the point that sensitive documents were left behind, creating a security breach, and how this is "News Worthy," but why does this in turn lead to such a brainless interview... Why? Reaching? "Des-per-ate!"
Now, to top it all off, and the point that really provoked this rant... "Maxime Bernier 'Exaggerated' on the amount of emails that he received regarding the Long Form Census!" Really? He "Exaggerated?" Well blow me down with the back end of a Fighter Jet, a politician exaggerated! Breaking News! I mean, if we had some "Intelligence" at the CBC we could have run with the irony that the same guy that left sensitive papers behind at his Ex Bimbo's place, is now concerned with the Privacy of Canadians, well there's a story, but to focus on the issue that he exaggerated on the number of emails... Really? Desperate much? (Singing) "Closing time, every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end, yeah." Thanks Green Day, that set the tone.
To be perfectly honest, I think that the present Conservative Government is an absolute miracle! Seriously. They are a minority Government, that somehow has managed to stay in power this long, in spite of the fact that they have such opposition. Now, this either means that MPs, regardless of their Party's platform, are actually voting according to their Constituent's wishes, and actually providing democratic representation, or the Conservatives are not fully playing their game based upon a "Conservative Mandate." Which is it Liberal Media? You are trying to convince me (If I were a Liberal) that the Conservatives are making decisions based upon their "Conservative Mandate," all the while, they are maintaining power. What gives? Could it be that Canadians are actually seeing through your B.S., in spite of your misuse of the power of information? Possibly? However, time will tell, as the fickle wind of change blows through our Open Liberal Minds.
This is Billy Goetz saying, "Don't be so Open Minded that your Brain falls out."
"... And that's all I have to say about THAT!"
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
“Fee – For – Fi – Fund – I Smell the Blood of Everyone!”
I’m just going to refer to this as “Part Two” of the “You Gimmick Me Sick,” rant about the entire Credit System.
What a mess! O.K. Billy Joel, maybe “We” didn’t start the fire, but what are we going for, “The Scorched Earth Affect?” I mean, when are we going to pull our heads out of our assets, and smell the proverbial coffee (Which is up in the Commodities Market, btw)? Although Dire Straights was referring to the Music Industry in the 80’s, their Hit Song, “Money for Nothing,” totally hits the nail on the head for “What is Wrong with our Global Economy today?”
We are living in an illusion that this “Perpetual money making machine,” will “somehow” sustain itself inevitably into the future. Are you kidding me? There is no “Perpetual Anything,” within our Entropy infected Universal Ecosystem. Even children playing Musical Chairs get it. Each time the music stops, more resources diminish, and there is one less player with a place to sit. This is not rocket science! It’s like we are all living in the Emerald City, and the Wizard of Oz is just standing behind that curtain pulling those levers, and shouting into the microphone, “Everything is just fine!” Well, in the past couple years it looks like Toto has pulled that old curtain back, and well, there’s just us standing here looking at some old guy standing there shouting, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”
It’s just that “The Old Guy” is just a metaphor for the Ken Lays, Bernie Madoffs, and Earl Jones’. You know those guys that took all that money from all those people, and none of it was real? These are the “Bad Guys” that they want us to focus our hate on, as if the Legitimate Financial Players were so “Wholesome,” in regard to loosing our money. It’s the same “You know what,” just a different pile, and you know what really “Goetz” me? These Wizards of Wall Street simply understood that “The Entire Economy” was based upon the Largest Ponzi Scheme Ever! It was guys like Madoff who figured out that the only way that he would ever get caught, is if the entire system crashed, and then it wouldn’t matter, because EVERYONE, even the so-called “Legits,” would be busted. Here the media is pointing their cameras at these Frauds, all the while, Major Players like Richard Fuld of Lehman Bros. is playing the same angle, but blaming… What, Bad Luck? Come on! At least the Madoffs and Lays could hide behind the fact that they legitimately defrauded millions, where as, Fuld… what, just “Dropped the Ball?” What’s the matter Dick, you didn’t see it coming? Hey – I got an idea… The next time you are flying around in your Private Jet and the Fuel light comes on, why don’t you just play by the same strategy – Knob!
The point is that “None of it was real!” Although they were taking “The Real Money” of Investors, they were all drawing interest from “Imaginary” funds! Now, I’m not saying that there is no reality to our economy, because we do have industries actually manufacturing stuff, people are employed and obviously consuming things. It’s just that in order to accelerate the rate of growth, the economy was injected with this synthetic steroid called, “Credit.” Merle Travis, the original writer of the 1946 hit song, “Sixteen Tons,” put it best when he declared the words, “I owe my soul to the company store.” This was in reference to working in the Mines, and well, “A Man has to eat between pay-cheques, right?” Therefore, as so many of us do, he would buy things on credit, because “The Company” knew that he was “Good for it.” They should, because he was working for “THEM,” after all. Therefore the same employment provider was also the sole distributor of items purchases by its employees. This was the perpetual economy created by the Mining Company, back in the day. They were triple dipping by controlling the wages, as well as, the mark up on the merchandise, and the interest rate on the credit – Incredible! This was legitimate price fixing. Remember, just because you are doing something “Legitimate,” doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not a Crook!
Now, you may have noticed the common theme that I’m weaving here, between Modern Folk Music and Children’s Fairly Tales, and the reason that I’m getting at this, is to illustrate the consistency throughout the ages on these themes. This economic Pipe Dream wasn’t established yesterday. This system has been in place since the beginning of time. It’s just that when this happens, the world turns to what it knows best – War!
A few weeks ago, I proposed on Facebook that we take a moment to look at the impact that certain Sci-Fi Writers have had on our civilization. Due to their “Futuristic” thinking, they have actually inspired the creation of some of the technological advancements that we enjoy today, just because they planted a seed in so many adolescent minds.
One story that dates back at least 300 years is the story of “Jack and the Beanstalk.” Now, if you think about it, it’s really about Investing. Mother gives Jack the Cow (Their Life Savings), and says, “Go sell it in the market, and buy some food. This way we will not starve to death.” Starve to death? You have A Cow! I’m not saying the plot didn’t have its share of holes, but the point is that we all know this story. Jack takes the Cow, gets duped into selling the Cow for some “Magic Beans.” He then returns home to Mom with the good news, and Mom smacks him upside the head, and declares; “Now we are dead!” (I think in the original story, Jack’s name was actually “Yacov” – Inside joke). Relax Lady, Jack’s got this under control. OH – NO! Drama Queen chucks the beans out the window, and the next morning (ironically) Jack has an opportunity to redeem himself. Long story short, Jack grabs the Goose that lays Golden Eggs, and bingo, Jack has a perpetual cash machine. If my memory serves me correct, in some versions, his mother than tries to cook the goose. Oh my goodness Jack, take one of those eggs and put Mamma in a Home! Seriously, with a track record like that, Jack might find himself in the kitchen pot eventually – Ala Hansel and Griddle.
Therefore, in the same manner that Technologists have been inspired by Star Wars and Star Trek, Economists have been trying to find Jack’s Golden Goose. The problem was that they “Laid” all their Faith in Real Estate, as this perpetually sustaining mechanism. Really? I thought that these guys were supposed to be good at Math. We’ve been looking at a shrinking population base for the past 50 years. We’ve known for decades that Gen-X, “Y and Z” (for that matter) would never be able to sustain the “Baby Boomers.” Like Musical Chairs, there had to be some limit to the Real Estate Shuffle. Once the Baby Boomers began to knock off, and suddenly we had a “Dramatic Increase” in Housing Supply, what happens to the Market? It plummets! Common Freaking Sense!
So, what’s the solution? Why do you think that Canada isn’t suffering as much as the U.S. in this Global Economic downturn? The perpetual shuffle. The irony to the whole situation, in the U.S., is that the “Common Man,” is blaming “Federal Immigration Policy” for their present economic woes. All the while, it’s the “Immigration Shuffle”, rather than reproductive repopulation, that is somewhat sustaining the presently weak economy. Canada, with our “More Welcoming” Immigration Policies, are filling the lower end housing markets with new immigrants, as well as, allowing wealthy immigrants and Gen X’rs to shuffle up into the next caliber of houses. This perpetual motion is somewhat slowing down our Credit Crunch predicament. Although this is buying us time, it is not solving the greater threat, which is this dependence on imaginary capital known as “The Credit System.”
Here’s the deal; we tend to give so much Credit and Faith to those that are “In Charge,” assuming that they are where they are, because they deserve to be there. As I had stated earlier, “Just because you are doing something “Legitimate,” doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not a Crook!” There are some Laws that are “Universally” set (Laws of Physics), and therefore they are not left up to interpretation or negotiation, nor do they exist in order to be spun into support for one’s favor. We need to be morally accountable when our actions affect our fellow person, especially when it affects someone’s Life and Livelihood. What’s more, we need to hold those “In Charge,” accountable and responsible for their actions, before they are allowed to destroy all that we have worked so hard for.
This is Billy Goetz, Wishing you all Wisdom and Success in the Coming Days.
“… And that’s all I have to say about THAT!”
Thursday, September 23, 2010
You Gimmick me Sick!
Everywhere I look today someone wants my money. Well, isn’t that really what money is all about anyway – Spending?
A couple generations ago, they were all about “Savings,” or at least that’s what they tell us. I’m sure many of you have had some “experienced” gentleman, give you the good old cliché, “You know, back in our day, you saved up to buy something. You kids and your Credit Cards, that’s what’s ruining this country, you know?”
Well slap the back of my head and call me “Charlie,” they were right! The funny thing about Credit Cards is that the popularity of use has more to do with the convenience of a cashless system, rather than the “Borrowing” aspect (… So we tell ourselves). “It’s for the points!”
Wow – Technology eh? Just a quick swipe of the plastic and vuala, you are the proud owner of a Big White Plastic Dog Statue. (Good - That void is finally filled) I may be dating myself, but I remember back in the day, when they called the “Charge-ex” machine a “Chick- Chick.” This was because of the sound it emitted when you made a carbon copy imprint of the Credit Card. There was no Internet or even a Phone Call for small purchases. It was assumed that if you had plastic, you were good for it. Now, with all this data transfer “hocus pocus” … Purchase? … “Declined!”
Here’s my issue with Credit Cards, and more so, the issue I have with the technology surrounding their use. Let’s say that I had, oh I don’t know, $400 left available on my $5000 limit, because I REALLY LOVE THOSE POINTS! Anyway – Let’s say, after tax, the item which I am attempting to purchase is $401, just because. You know those amazing technological doohickeys called Computers, and “The Internet?” Well, as they swipe the card… Bingo – Bango – in a matter of mere seconds, “Sorry Sir – This purchase is over the limit that you have available on your card. Do you have another Form of Payment?” Presto Magic! Just like that! (Snap – Hands to the Ceiling!) “I love technology!” O.K., here’s another scenario; Let’s just say, the purchase was $399 for that Magnificent Toaster from Home Outfitters, Bingo – Bango – “Here’s your receipt sir.” Just like that – Done! You’re eating the World’s Finest Toast within the hour.
NOW, one more crazy scenario: Oops! “You know what? I just realized that a $10 Toaster can make just as good quality Toast. Oh – You don’t carry the $10 jobs here at ‘Home Outfitters’ eh? You don’t say… Your cheapest Toaster is $60 Bucks. Oh well. I’ll just return this one then and go purchase it from another store… No problem.” Here’s the problem: For “some reason” when the store does a “reversal payment” on your Credit Card, it can take 3 to 5 business days for the funds to return to your Credit Card. “Three to Five Business Days.” Let’s take a moment to analyze the time ratios on this Marvel of Modern Technology: “Mere Seconds verses, 3 to 5 Business Days!”
SO what you are telling me is that, “NASA can land a Remote Controlled Toy on Mars, but it takes 3 to 5 Business Days to put (imaginary) money back on my Credit Card, when it took a blasted second to take it?” REALLY? That’s very fascinating, “Debbie” from Home Outfitters, with your all of $9.50 an hour. Thank you for explaining to me, the intricacy of the workings of our ultra modern, and technologically advanced, Credit System.
I mean what’s with this whole “Hotel California” take on our money? I laugh every time I see an Infomercial attempting to sooth my Buyer’s Remorse with all that, “Money Back Guarantee,” bunk. “There’s no Risk. If you change your mind. Send it back…” Send it back? To where? Where are you? Should I send it back to your illusive “Returned Item Centre,” located next door to Dr. Evil’s Secret Lair? Oh, you mean the address that you conveniently forget to include in that Infomercial or at the time the product arrived. Well, let’s call and find out where I need to send this to…
Where is their contact number anyway? Hmmm… All I have is this Sales Line… (Beep, Boop, Beep, Beep – Calling Sales Line – Boop, Boop, Beep…) Ring, Ring: “If you order within the next 30 minutes, we’ll include this miniature version of the Big White Dog Statue.” (Hold Music…) ‘I haven’t listened to ABBA in ages.’ “Thank you for calling The Acme TV Stuff Sales Centre, this is Julie. What is the item that you wish to purchase today?” - ‘Well, Julie, I’m actually calling about returning an item.’ “Well Sir, I’m sorry, but I cannot help you with that issue. You have called the ‘Sales Centre,’ hence the reason I said, ‘Sales Centre’ at the beginning of this call. You will have to contact the “Return Centre.” - ‘Well, yes, Julie, I understand that, but I do not have the number for…’ – “Please hold.” – (La – la – la – Carpenters Hold Music- La la la la la la la). “Yes Sir, the number is; Country Code 91 …” – ‘Wait… Julie, Country Code? Do you have an 800 number for the Return Centre, I’m calling from Canada.’ – “No. I’m sorry Sir, but the Return Centre is located in Kanpur India… the Area Code for Kanpur is 512… and…” – ‘Hold on a second there, Julie. I’m not going to call India to return this item that I purchased in the @#&*% States!’ – “Sir. You do not need to use such language with me, and besides, the item was most likely purchased here in India.” – ‘What? HERE in India? Are you kidding me?’ – “Sir, I do not have a kid with you. Here is the rest of the number that you need to call… 22281131… Thank you for calling the Acme TV Stuff Sales Centre. Have a nice day. Call again. Good bye.” - ‘This is ridiculous!’ – (Beep, Boop, Beep, Beep, Boop – Calling International Long Distance – Boop, Boop, Beep…) Ring, Ring; “Yoor kal iz impotant to us. Plaze stay on the lane, and somewart will hulp yoo shorting” – ‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’ – “Thank you for calling The Acme TV Stuff Customer Service Centre, this is Julie. What item do you require technical support with?” - ‘Julie? @#$%&!!!’ Click! – (Dial Tone).
The Good Book teaches us that, “A fool and his money are soon parted.” Well, maybe that’s not “THE” Good Book, but whoever wrote that in ‘A’ Book, made a lot of sense. The point is, is that we should not be so willing to part with our money, and even more so, when it is money that we have not even made yet, let alone taken the time to actually borrow, and set “reasonable” terms.
We’ve become a Culture of Spenders without reason, because “There’s More Where That Came From!” Wisdom has departed from us, and we wonder why we find ourselves in the present Global Economic situation. I think this generation needs a course in “Tangible Economics.” If you can’t see it, if you can’t feel it, and if it takes you more than a pay-cheque to pay back, IT AIN’T REAL! A wise man once said, “A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.” I have no idea what he meant, but I’m sure that it sounded good, at the time. Here’s my attempt as wisdom, “Imaginary Money buys you imaginary Happiness.”
This is Billy Goetz saying, “Don’t believe the hype!”
“… And that’s All I have to say about THAT!”
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I Ghetto Go to Wal Mart!
The question isn’t so much “Why Wal Mart,” but rather, “Why a 24 hour Wal Mart, if you cannot efficiently run it?”
It’s not like the Wal Mart in St. James is the only one that I have to compare with. I’ve been to Wal Marts all around North America, from Montreal to Anaheim, but this location takes the cake. “Hey, where’s the cake?” All I can find is an empty shelf with a price label on it, right next to another empty shell with a price label. “These prices are great, but where’s the product?” I have coined the nick name for this location as “Old Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard.” You know, as in going to fetch her poor dog a bone?
I mean, when I go to Wal Mart in Grand Forks, I find the shelves always stocked and the prices right, even after midnight! …And on that note, I thought that we were in a recession, and that the Canadian Dollar was strong! What’s the deal with $2 Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, when it’s $7 bucks here – All the time. Don’t even get me started on the $3 Crunch n’ Munch that is only $1 in the States. Come on! Then again, notice how it’s junk food that is really bad for you, that I’m on about. Maybe it’s like Cigarettes; they just inflate the price to off set the costs of Medi-care.
Nevertheless, U.S. verses Canadian costs is a whole other subject. The real issue is, Why is Wal Mart St. James in Winnipeg Manitoba, so ridiculously mismanaged? This is not just some recent development. I’ve been going there for years, and they just can’t seem to get it together. I remember one time walking into this Wal Mart in the early evening (Not Even a Midnight Run) and the place looked like some kids had been set loose and knocked stuff all over the place. There were items on the floor, in the isles, and I don’t mean just in boxes waiting to be placed on the shelves, but just lying on the floor, randomly. I wasn’t the only one losing it. There was a lady pushing her cart in front of me, who freaked out when she found a package of bacon sitting on the shelf in the Floor Cleaning Products isle. O.K., so perhaps that was just some, Loser Shopper being a moron, but at the same time, have some respect for your work place, and pick up the crap. WE, The Shoppers, didn’t want to move the bacon back to the Refrigeration section, because we did not know how long it had been there. Our fear was that some Wal Martee was just going to do that anyway, and the next schmuck that picked up that package would be heading to the ER. It’s a good thing that we don’t eat bacon!
The amazing thing is that, I went back a couple days later, and it still looked that way! I was like, “So, you’re going for this look?” I remember one time walking down an isle and witnessed a location manager talking to someone who would have appeared to be a regional manager. Anyway – I overheard this comment, “We’ve tried everything, but we can’t seem to get them to work.” First of all, probably not the best place to hold this type of conversation, and second, you’d think that since they were actually addressing the issue, that something would have been done about it? This was YEARS ago.
I was there again last night. Sometimes the Midnight Run is the best time to go, because you don’t have all the crowds, but then again the trade off is having to push a cart down an isle with boxes and products lying around everywhere. Why? To save a couple bucks? No. It’s the 24 hour issue. When your hours are not “normal,” because you work until midnight, and or you are watching your kids all day, and don’t dare drag them into that zoo, it’s the only option. Once they are in bed, and Mom is settled in for the evening, it’s a good time to break free.
All I can say is that, perhaps it’s just the location. Maybe I haven’t been to other Wal Marts located, “In the Ghetto.” I remember one time, again years ago, when I was at another Wal Mart location, and a long story short, I had taken the wrong bus and was late for work, and so I was close to a Wal Mart, and so I ran to it, thinking that I could find a Taxi there. I didn’t realize that Wal Mart St. James was the only Wal Mart that had a Taxi line, like at the Airport. I guess this is another indicator of how “Special” this particular location is. Trust me, I would drive the extra distance to avoid that Hole, and I do, when I can shop during regular hours, but the “Nice” Wal Marts are not open 24 hours.
“… And that’s all that I have to say about THAT!”
Can you teach a New Blog Old Tricks?
Hello... "Cyber-Space"
I'm not going to assume that anyone is actually reading this, but this is my first blog. I know that "Blogging" has been around for a while now, and that a lot of crazy people, with their useless opinions, are just out there tossing their pointless ramblings into the Electronic Ether, like some scratchy note, written by a deranged madman, trapped on a dessert island, in the middle of the Pacific, and it is now floating in a bottle, to be found by who knows who?
Well, the point is, if you are reading this. HELP!!!
I'm trapped on this Planet filled with Modern Philosophers and Theologians, grappling at each others throats, in an attempt to... That's really the point, isn't it? What do they (We) plan on getting out of all this Thinking?
O.K. Here's the deal. I don't intend on coming across as "pretentious," but who are we kidding? Anyone with an opinion comes across as pretentious, because G-d Forbid you actually feel passionate about your ideas!
In my own attempt at being humble, let me state that I'm just trying to get to the bottom of all this. This thing we call -- "LIFE." I don't believe in "Everybody is Right, in their own way," just as much as I don't believe that "There are many paths to G-d." I do believe that Math (as much of it as we understand) is G-d's Language. I just wish that I was more fluent. With that being stated, I do believe in absolutes. I just don't believe that any one of us is getting all the variables, in order to come to an absolute conclusion.
For this reason, I feel that we should have freedom of speech and or expression. I don't claim to be RIGHT, but I do acknowledge that within my own crazy ideas, I see the potential of just stumbling over some obscure insight that may somehow, in some indirect way, alter the course of History. I think that if we all had the chutzpah to state our thoughts, that somehow, within all the jabber, truth would present itself.
In fact, I think that this is what Blogging is all about. Now, the real challenge, is to be able to sift through all this Cyber-Babel and connect the dots, in order to find the answers to "What is the Universe?" or "What is the Meaning of Life?"
Therefore, let me state this, "My position on Existentialism is that, the simplest solution is usually the correct one." Now, that being stated, let me clarify what that means to me. I think that a lot of us view life as if it was to mean something more. Our error in over complicating things is, first of all, not comprehending the playing field before we engage the game. This approach results in disappointment, when things do not go the way we want them to. Instead of addressing our perspective on the matter, we begin to look at the mechanics and engineering of the process, in order to assign blame, and or to eventually gather enough data to find the way to achieve our objectives, in spite of the what is eternally best for us.
Ultimately, a lot of us are driving down the highway backwards, viewing everything in the rear view mirror, and wondering why we have such an obscure view of what is really going on. If we would just take the time to think for one second, maybe it is, "My Perspective," that is causing my problems in the equation, rather than how I am placing the variables into it. Then, maybe we could see the Greater, yet Simpler, Meaning of the Universe. Maybe then, we would not be so disappointed when things did not go our way. Perhaps it was "Our Way," that was the problem all along.
I think that this was a good start. I believe that I have laid down a foundation of who I am, and the way that I think. Therefore, over time, as you experience my Rants about the World, "As I see it," you will come to understand what my point is, or at least laugh at my frustration, whilst I (in fun) sweat "The Little Things."
Until Next Time...
This is (Pen Name) "Billy Goetz"
"... And that's all I have to say about THAT!"
I'm not going to assume that anyone is actually reading this, but this is my first blog. I know that "Blogging" has been around for a while now, and that a lot of crazy people, with their useless opinions, are just out there tossing their pointless ramblings into the Electronic Ether, like some scratchy note, written by a deranged madman, trapped on a dessert island, in the middle of the Pacific, and it is now floating in a bottle, to be found by who knows who?
Well, the point is, if you are reading this. HELP!!!
I'm trapped on this Planet filled with Modern Philosophers and Theologians, grappling at each others throats, in an attempt to... That's really the point, isn't it? What do they (We) plan on getting out of all this Thinking?
O.K. Here's the deal. I don't intend on coming across as "pretentious," but who are we kidding? Anyone with an opinion comes across as pretentious, because G-d Forbid you actually feel passionate about your ideas!
In my own attempt at being humble, let me state that I'm just trying to get to the bottom of all this. This thing we call -- "LIFE." I don't believe in "Everybody is Right, in their own way," just as much as I don't believe that "There are many paths to G-d." I do believe that Math (as much of it as we understand) is G-d's Language. I just wish that I was more fluent. With that being stated, I do believe in absolutes. I just don't believe that any one of us is getting all the variables, in order to come to an absolute conclusion.
For this reason, I feel that we should have freedom of speech and or expression. I don't claim to be RIGHT, but I do acknowledge that within my own crazy ideas, I see the potential of just stumbling over some obscure insight that may somehow, in some indirect way, alter the course of History. I think that if we all had the chutzpah to state our thoughts, that somehow, within all the jabber, truth would present itself.
In fact, I think that this is what Blogging is all about. Now, the real challenge, is to be able to sift through all this Cyber-Babel and connect the dots, in order to find the answers to "What is the Universe?" or "What is the Meaning of Life?"
Therefore, let me state this, "My position on Existentialism is that, the simplest solution is usually the correct one." Now, that being stated, let me clarify what that means to me. I think that a lot of us view life as if it was to mean something more. Our error in over complicating things is, first of all, not comprehending the playing field before we engage the game. This approach results in disappointment, when things do not go the way we want them to. Instead of addressing our perspective on the matter, we begin to look at the mechanics and engineering of the process, in order to assign blame, and or to eventually gather enough data to find the way to achieve our objectives, in spite of the what is eternally best for us.
Ultimately, a lot of us are driving down the highway backwards, viewing everything in the rear view mirror, and wondering why we have such an obscure view of what is really going on. If we would just take the time to think for one second, maybe it is, "My Perspective," that is causing my problems in the equation, rather than how I am placing the variables into it. Then, maybe we could see the Greater, yet Simpler, Meaning of the Universe. Maybe then, we would not be so disappointed when things did not go our way. Perhaps it was "Our Way," that was the problem all along.
I think that this was a good start. I believe that I have laid down a foundation of who I am, and the way that I think. Therefore, over time, as you experience my Rants about the World, "As I see it," you will come to understand what my point is, or at least laugh at my frustration, whilst I (in fun) sweat "The Little Things."
Until Next Time...
This is (Pen Name) "Billy Goetz"
"... And that's all I have to say about THAT!"
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